Why ubuntu?

I would like to start by thanking a few people who helped me alot in linux. I was a total noob with no background in linux. Dittmerdan, Nano, Cereal from the computerhelpforum.org. Without their advice, I won't get this far.

My guide will cover all the way from how to get your drive partitioned to installing. Even if you totally have no clue on what the hell this thing is about. Just follow the whole guide from the start of the first post will get you a free usable and functional OS. Just follow exactly and you will have everything up and running.

What's good about learning this?

The best part of ubuntu is that it can be booted up on the CD itself and run as a full OS and is very handy whenever windows gets into a BSOD crash.
Simply hook up an external drive and you can copy everything out.
Another reason to use ubuntu is that it is totally un infectable by any virus or malware, which makes it a very safe OS for your work.

You can don't game, but I don't think you can survive a few weeks without going online.

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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Playing DVDs in totem movie player

By default, the plugin is not installed. You can easily download codecs of mp3 or other file types when the player is unable to play. But for a DVD video disc, you will need to do some special terminal commands .

Start the terminal

sudo apt-get install totem-xine libxine1-ffmpeg libdvdread3

Wait for it to download...

Then the second command

sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh

Restart and you can load the DVD disc off the movie player now.

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